London Road Cemetery, Coventry - North Side Surnames H to L
London Road Cemetery is split into two parts, the first opened in 1847.
"The Old Cemetery or the North side"
The Cemetery was landscaped by Sir Joseph Paxton at the site of an old quarry
The second part opened in 1887, which was a section of Whitley Common "The South Side or New Cemetery"
Burials started in the South Side in 1887, which means burials before that date were in the North Section
These pictures are from a day around The North Side of London Road Cemetery in Coventry looking for my own ancestors.
I have not taken a picture of every stone but what I have taken, I hope is of some use to you in your research
I do have SOME better images of the gravestone pictures if you would like them,
just contact me
If you would like a better image please note which Cemetery when contacting me
Click on a name to take you to the Gravestone Image