St Bartholomew, Birmingham, Marriages 1847 to 1850

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Please remember they are only transcriptions and it is always best to verify the information by looking at the original. The transcriptions on this website are to help you in your own personal research and not for commericial purposes.

Father & Occupation
5th July1847
Richard Green

Ann Powell
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Bell ?; Abode - Bordesley Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Bordesley Street
James Green; Occupation - Miller

Charles Barton; Occupation - Farmer
John Bates

Mary Bates
18th August 1847
William Dent

Maria Tomkinson
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Cordwainer; Abode - Bloomsbury

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bloomsbury
William Dent; Occupation - Gardener

John Tomkinson; Occupation - Cordwainer
Jacob Wilcox ?

Mary Collett ?
27th September 1847
John Chambers

Susanna Knowles
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Cordwainer; Abode - Five Ways, Bishopgate Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - West Bromwich
John Chambers; Occupation - Cordwainer

Stephen Knowles; Occupation - Cordwainer
James Juckling ?

Maria Bates
4th October 1847
Charles Pallett

Ann Wilson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
William Pallett; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas Wilson; Occupation - Blacksmith
Thomas Astbury

Sarah Astbury
4th October 1847
William Pallett

Hannah Astbury
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Trent Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Trent Street
William Pallett; Occupation - Labourer

William Astbury; Occupation - Shoe Maker
Thomas Astbury

Sarah Astbury
9th November 1847
Stephen Moore

Sarah Brown
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Market Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Market Street
Thomas Moore; Occupation - Farmer

Joseph Brown; Occupation - Glazier
C. Brown

Maria Bates
15th November 1847
James Moody

Harriet Attwood
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Traveller; Abode - Freeman Street

Age 18; Spinster; Abode - Freeman Street
John Moody; Occupation - Traveller

William Atwood; Occupation - Traveller
James Gill

Elizabeth Gill
27th December 1847
David Gee

Mary Skidmore
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Glass Cutter; Abode - Lawley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Banbury Street
Samuel Gee; Occupation - Butcher

William Skidmore; Occupation - ? Pointer
Joseph Blewett

Ann Blewett
24th February 1848
Francis Henry Horatio Anderson

Eliza Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Traveller; Abode - Parish of St Bartholomew

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Clement, Worcester
John Anderson; Occupation - Artist

Charles Smith; Occupation - Coal Merchant
Henry Bubb

Mary Ann Smith
2nd March 1848
Charles Badderly

Elizabeth Earp
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Baker; Abode - Bartholomew Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bartholomew Street
Edward Badderly; Occupation - Traveller

John Francis Earp; Occupation - Baker
George Reay

Ellen Reay
5th March 1848
John Jeffreys

Elizabeth Robinson
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
John Jeffrrys; Occupation - Labourer

John Robinson; Occupation - Labourer
William Walker

Jane Jeffs
24th April 1848
Thomas Shipman

Maria Horne
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
Thomas Shipman; Occupation - Brass Founder

Thomas Horne; Occupation - Farmer
Fanny Bates

Mary Ann Greaves
21st May 1848
Joseph Clarke

Amelia Martha Bourne
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Blacksmith; Abode - Bull Ring

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bull Ring
Thomas Clarke; Occupation - Labourer

William Bourne; Occupation - Millwright
George Shelton

Charlot Matchet
26th June 1848
Robert Cross

Elizabeth Burghall
Age 33; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Thorp Street

Age 33; Spinster; Abode - Thorp Street
Robert Cross; Occupation - Tailor

John Burghall; Occupation - Labourer
Henry Gittins

Mary Bates
25th September 1848
James Harris

Susannah Willis
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Brewer; Abode - Bartholomew Street

Age 30; Spinster; Abode - Bartholomew Street
Thomas Harris; Occupation - Labourer

Daniel Willis; Occupation - Labourer
William Willis

Ann Willis
2nd October 1848
Henry Pagett

Mary Ann Nickless
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Joiner; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age 27; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
James Pagett; Occupation - Glass House Pot Maker

John Nickless; Occupation - Plumber & Glazier
William Nickless

Mary Parkes
8th October 1848
James Ingram

Fanny Coster
Age 27; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - New Canal Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - New Canal Street
Joseph Ingram; Occupation - Labourer

John Coster; Occupation - Farmer
J ? Brooks

W. Brooks
15th October 1848
William Hall

Prudence Morris
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Brazier; Abode - Moor Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Moor Street
John Hall; Occupation - Brazier

Joseph Morris; Occupation - Basket Maker
Joseph Morris

Maria Morris
15th October 1848
William Grimley

Ann Fairfield
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Greengrocer; Abode - Bordesley Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Bordesley Street
Samuel Grimley; Occupation - Green Grocer

Thomas Fairfield; Occupation - Brewer
Geo Allum

Rebecca Allum
23rd October 1848
Thomas Savage

Sarah Sanders
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - 6 Ct, Canal Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - 7 Ct, Canal Street
George Sanders; Occupation - Labourer

John Bennet Sanders; Occupation - Labourer
Charles Savage

Maria Savage
9th November 1848
William Wilcox

Elizabeth Withers
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Plater ?; Abode - New Canal Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - New Canal Street
William Wilcox; Occupation - Plater ?

Samuel Withers; Occupation - Butcher
James Bates

Mary Bates
19th November 1848
William Wolley

Sarah Stansbie
Age 34; Widower; Occupation - Gunsmith; Abode - Duddeston Row

Age .; Spinster; Abode - Duddeston Row
John Woolley; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker

William Stansbie; Occupation - Silversmith
John Woolley

Priscilla Thomas
27th November 1848
Henry Shaw

Emma Wilcox
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - 1 Ct, Meriden Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - 1 Ct, Meriden Street
James Shaw; Occupation - Tailor

Joseph Wilcox; Occupation - Labourer
Richard Spencer

Sarah Shaw
10th December 1848
James Oxenham

Mary Ann Sanger
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Soldier; Abode - Novascotia Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Novascotia Street
John Oxenham; Occupation - Shoe Maker

John Sanger; Occupation - Soldier
Eljah ? Whistleton

? ?
17th December 1848
John Monk

Sarah Fern
Age 33; Bachelor; Occupation - Boot Boy; Abode - Temple Row

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Novascotia Street
John Monk; Occupation - Hat Maker

Thomas Fern; Occupation - Engine Fitter
Richard Monk

Elizabeth Monk
17th December 1848
Dennis Keefe

Ellen Clarke
Age 36; Widower; Occupation - Button Maker; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
Thomas Keefe; Occupation - Bone Sawer

Arnold Clarke; Occupation - Bone Sawer
Robert Eager

Eliza Eager
19th December 1848
Benjamin Moses

Lucy Bates
Age 78; Widower; Occupation - ? Head Seller; Abode - Saltbox Houses, Bordesley Street

Age 79; Widow; Abode - Saltbox Houses, Bordesley Street
Benjamin Moses; Occupation - Jeweller

Samuel Johnson ?; Occupation - Wood Turner
James Bates

Caroline Thowle ?
20th December 1848
Joseph Moore

Harriet Wilson
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Soldier; Abode - Market Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Market Street
John Moore; Occupation - Blacksmith

Nathaniel Wilson; Occupation - Soldier
James Bates

Mary Bates
25th December 1848
William Boden

Ellen Moore
Age 30; Widower; Occupation - Comb Maker; Abode - Bordesley Street

Age 26; Widow; Abode - Bordesley Street
Richard Boden; Occupation - China Potter

Joseph Morris; Occupation - Basket Maker
Joseph Morris

Maria Morris
14th January 1849
Allen Fairhead

Elizabeth Toft
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Joiner; Abode - Buck Street

Age 28; Spinster; Abode - Buck Street
Samuel Fairhead; Occupation - Builder

William Toft; Occupation - Joiner
James Bates

Mary Bates
15th January 1849
David West

Sophia Sleigh
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - Duddeston Row

Age 28; Spinster; Abode - Duddeston Row
Thomas West; Occupation - Blacksmith

Walter Sleigh; Occupation - Engineer
James Bates

Charlotte Sleigh
22nd January 1849
Christopher Wilson

Sarah Bosworth
Age 30; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
Thomas Wilson; Occupation - Blacksmith

Samuel Bosworth; Occupation - Sawyer
Joseph Bosworth

Mary Bates
30th January 1849
Thomas Hipkins

Hannah Cole
Age 34; Widower; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Beancre Street

Age 42; Widow; Abode - Lancaster Street
Thomas Hipkiss; Occupation - Brass Founder

Joseph Phillips; Occupation - Carpenter
Alfred Smallwood

Mary Bartholomew
20th February 1849
Thomas Bould

Frances Geary
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
Thomas Bould; Occupation - Gardener

George Geary; Occupation - Baker
James Bates

Mary Bates
30th March 1849
James George Dingly

Louisa Twiss
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Grocer; Abode - Moor Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Pershore Road
James Dingly; Occupation - Hotel Keeper

Thomas Twiss; Occupation - Plater
Henry Bott

Elizabeth Bott
11th April 1849
George Morris

Sarah Jenkins
Age 34; Bachelor; Occupation - Wheelwright; Abode - Masshouse Lane

Age 37; Spinster; Abode - Masshouse Lane
Tichard Morris; Occupation - Farmer

Thomas Jenkins; Occupation - Farmer
James Bates

Susanna Scott
6th May 1849
Henry Russell

Emma Patrick
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Clock Hand Maker; Abode - Novascotia Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Novascotia Street
William Russell; Occupation - Gun Lock Maker

John Patrick; Occupation - Whitesmith
John Patrick

Elizabeth Patrick
20th May 1849
John Gould

Mary Sharp
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Puddler; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
Thomas Gould; Occupation - Labourer

John Sharp; Occupation - Gas Fitter
James Bates

Mary Bates
1st July 1849
James Muirhead

Ann Mason
Age 45; Widower; Occupation - Tea Dealer; Abode - Cecil Street

Age 39; Spinster; Abode - Upper Hospital Street
John Muirhead; Occupation - Cordwainer

Joseph Mason; Occupation - Gun Barrell Welder
John Warton

Frances Warton
3rd July 1849
Henry Sefton Craven

Harriet Hall
Age 43; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Bartholomew Street

Age 48; Spinster; Abode - Bartholomew Street
Richard Craven; Occupation - Currier

Joseph Hall; Occupation - Tailor
James Bates

Elizabeth Ecclestone
8th August 1849
Isaac Spirit

Harriet Baugh
Age 17; Bachelor; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - New Canal Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - New Canal Street
Jonathan Spirit; Occupation - Farmer

William Baugh; Occupation - Collier
James Bates

Mary Taylor
19th August 1849
James Andrew Webb

Bridget McMaller
Age 37; Widower; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Cardigan Street

Age 39; Widow; Abode - Cardigan Street
James Webb; Occupation - Butcher

John Holland; Occupation - Labourer
John Bates

Mary Bates
1st October 1849
Thomas Williams

Matilda Layton
Age 28; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Moor Street

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Moor Street
John Williams; Occupation - Gardener

John Layton; Occupation - Shoe Maker
James Bates

Mary Bates
6th October 1849
William Watson

Caroline Watkins
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Duddeston Row

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Duddeston Row
William Watson; Occupation - Servant

Morgan Watkins; Occupation - Moulder
James Bates

Mary Bates
22nd October 1849
John Collier

Patience Corbett
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Fazeley Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Fazeley Street
Thomas Collier; Occupation - Labourer

Samuel Corbett; Occupation - Shoe maker
John Bates

Mary Bates
4th November 1849
William Goolden Lowe

Hannah Ward
Age 41; Bachelor; Occupation - Accountant; Abode - Bordesley Street

Age 40; Widow; Abode - Bordesley Street
Samuel Lowe; Occupation - Solicitor

Thomas Findon; Occupation - Labourer
James Bates

Sarah Findon
6th November 1849
William Cook

Esther Bennett
Age 26; Widower; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - Barn Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Barn Street
Thomas Cook; Occupation - Brick Maker

William Bennett; Occupation - Sword Maker
John Newbold

Maria Newbold
11th November 1849
George Whateley

Emma Morrall
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Locksmith; Abode - Little Charles Street

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Small Heath
William Whateley; Occupation - Butcher

Joseph Morrall; Occupation - Baker
William ?

Ann Henley
11th November 1849
John Robotham

Sarah Morrall
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Blacksmith; Abode - Great Barr Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Great Barr Street
John Robotham; Occupation - Platelayer

Joseph Morrall; Occupation - Baker
William Williams

Ann Hanley
2nd December 1849
John Jones

Emma Downes
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Britania Metal Worker; Abode - Buck Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
William Jones; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Arnold Downey; Occupation - Book Keeper
Henry Mitchell

Hannah Pickering
24th December 1849
Thomas Herbert
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Spoon Forger; Abode - Chapel Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Chapel Street
Henry Herbert; Occupation - Shoe Maker

John Corkum; Occupation - Carpenter
Thomas Pollen

Mary Ann Pollen
25th December 1849
George Green

Elizabeth Pardoe
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Joiner; Abode - New Canal Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - New Canal Street
Richard Green; Occupation - Farmer

Joseph Pardoe; Occupation - Joiner
John Bradshaw

Mary Ann Jones ?
25th December 1849
John Trueman

Amelia Louisa Deeley
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Rule Maker; Abode - Bartholomew Row

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Banbury Street
Thomas Trueman; Occupation - Fire Iron Maker

William Deeley; Occupation - Button Maker
Thomas Trueman

Elizabeth Cooke
1st January 1850
William Mincher

Elizabeth Within
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Boatman; Abode - Parke Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Parke Street
Samuel Mincher; Occupation - Boatman

John Within; Occupation - Whip Maker
John Within

Mary Hoult
8th January 1850
James Warren

Elizabeth Snook
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Artilleryman; Abode - Masshouse Lane

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Masshouse Lane
Richard Warren; Occupation - Carpenter

William Snook; Occupation - Mason
Thomas Ogden

Sarah Barker
29th January 1850
James Grant

Ruth Griffith
Age 32; Widower; Occupation - Drapers Tailor; Abode - Constitution Hill

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - 48 Unett Street
James John Grant; Occupation - Currier

John Griffith; Occupation - Silversmith
John Grifith

Eleana Griffith
30th January 1850
George Heath

Eliza Helen Littley
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker; Abode - Novascotia Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Cecil Street
George Horseley Heath; Occupation - Silver Plater

Daniel Littley; Occupation - Gun Percussion
Daniel Littley

Ellen Kirby
25th February 1850
John Gutteridge

Mary Ann Mott
Age 18; Bachelor; Occupation - Wire Worker; Abode - Gouch Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Gough Street
James Gutteridge; Occupation - Brass Founder

Richard Mott; Occupation - Gardener
Matthew Field

Mary Field
18th March 1850
Henry Atkins

Caroline Hadden
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - Barn Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Barn Street
Joseph Atkins; Occupation - Brick Maker

Samuel Hadden; Occupation - Glass Packer
William Cook

Esther Cook
25th April 1850
George Jones

Mary Walker
Age 29; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Bartholomew Row

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Bartholomew Row
John Jones; Occupation - Carpenter

William Walker; Occupation - Farmer
Charles Jones

Hannah Scott
22nd May 1850
Joseph Wilkes

Harriet Earp
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Tin Man; Abode - Bishop Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Bishop Street
Martin Wilkes; Occupation - Tin Man

John Francis Earp; Occupation - Baker
Jn Guest

Elizabeth Guest
26th May 1850
William Henry Angell

Elizabeth Beard
Age 43; Widower; Occupation - Printer; Abode - New Canal Street

Age 42; Spinster; Abode - New Canal Street
John Angell; Occupation - Joiner

John Beard; Occupation - Farmer
Thomas Hayes

Mary Ann Hayes
4th June 1850
Patrick Roarke

Mary Quin
Age 45; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Park Street

Age 45; Widow; Abode - Park Street
James Roarke; Occupation - Farmer

Thomas Bates; Occupation - Labourer
Joseph Morris

Elizabeth Boddington
10th June 1850
John Thompson

Harriet Smith
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Moore Street

Age 25; Spinster; Abode - Moore Street
James Thompson; Occupation - Gentleman

William Smith; Occupation - Farmer
William Smith

Ann Smith
30th June 1850
William Vincent

Mary Ann Mould
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Basket Maker; Abode - Fazeley Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Fazeley Street
Joseph Vincent; Occupation - Basket Maker

Mathew Mould; Occupation - Plater
Charles Frederick Green

Mary Bates
1st July 1850
William Duck

Jane Baker
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Forger; Abode - 45 Horsefair

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - 45 Horsefair
Samuel Duck; Occupation - Brass Founder

Joseph Baker; Occupation - Needle Maker
James Britton

Elizabeth Britton
8th July 1850
Henry Hadley

Sarah Haden
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Moore Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Moore Street
Joseph Hadley; Occupation - Barber

Humphrey Haden; Occupation - Labourer
John Hill

Ann Hill
8th July 1850
John Ingram

Ann Knight
Age 30; Widower; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - Brick Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Fox ? Street
Samson Ingram; Occupation - Bricklayer

Samuel Knight; Occupation - Labourer
Samson Ingram

Emma Collett
21st July 1850
Thomas Olley

Mary Whitehouse
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Barn Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Barn Street
Thomas Olley; Occupation - Labourer

Jacob Whitehouse; Occupation - Labourer
Jacob Whitehouse

Elizabeth Blackmore
4th August 1850
Benjamin Tedd

Mary Ann Ward
Age 46; Widower; Occupation - Builder; Abode - Of Coventry, Residing in Parish of St Bartholomew

Age 39; Widow; Abode - Parish of St Bartholomew
William Tedd; Occupation - Builder

Joseph Barass; Occupation - Shoe Maker
Miles ? Scott

Joanna Scott
26th August 1850
Thomas Josiah Tay

Matilda Sarah Smith
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - Halfield, Bloxwich, Staffordshire

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Moor Street
.; Occupation - Timber Dealer

Benjamin Smith; Occupation - Rule Maker
James Bates

Mary Bates
10th September 1850
Edward Webster

Mary Maud
Age 35; Bachelor; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - Parish of St Bartholomew

Age 42; Widow; Abode - Charvelton ? Northamptonshire
John Webster; Occupation - Farmer

William Summers; Occupation - Farner
Sydney Stearman

Mary Ann ?
12th September 1850
Roger Foster

Elizabeth Huband
Age 33; Widower; Occupation - Cordwainer; Abode - Kings Norton

Age 30; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
William Foster; Occupation - Rector ogf Kings Norton Church

Thomas Huband; Occupation - Farmer
Thomas Huband

Ann ?
23rd September 1850
Thomas Bodys

Mary Ann Price
Age 28; Batchelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Bartholomew Row

Age 29; Spinster; Abode - Bartholomew Street
John Bodys; Occupation - Carpenter

William Price; Occupation - Tailor
James Bales

Charlotte Stubbs
26th September 1850
Henry Claydon

Ann Manks
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
Thomas Claydon; Occupation - Labourer

John Manks; Occupation - Tailor
John Manks

Mary Ann Howlett
30th September 1850
Frederick Thorp Lamb

Sarah Hood
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Park Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Park Street
Joseph Lamb; Occupation - Clerk

William Hood; Occupation - Farmer
William Lamb

Mary Lamb
2nd October 1850
John Scott

Sarah Branch
Age 30; Widower; Occupation - Glass Blower; Abode - Park Street

Age 39; Widow; Abode - Park Street
John Scott; Occupation - Glass Blower

John Phillips; Occupation - Soldier
John Scott

Jane Scott
7th October 1850
Samuel Jones

Eliza Deebanks
Age 32; Bachelor; Occupation - Pump Maker; Abode - Novascotia Street

Age 32; Spinster; Abode - Novascotia Street
William Jones; Occupation - Labourer

Arthur Deebank; Occupation - Bricklayer
James Bates

Ann Jordan
14th October 1850
George Willits

Sarah Lacon
Age 36; Widower; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Buck Street

Age 40; Widow; Abode - Buck Street
Richard Willits; Occupation - Miner

James Lawrence; Occupation - Skinner
John ?

Sarah Horton
14th October 1850
John Wallis

Elizabeth Price
Age 35; Bachelor - Occcupation - Labourer; Abode - Park Street

Age 40; Widow; Abode - Park Street
Edward Wallis; Occupation - Miner

John Ward; Occupation - Miner
Thos Harrison

Mary Bates
16th October 1850
Philip Carmody

Caroline Claney
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Plasterer; Abode - Park Street

Age 20; Spinster; Occupation - Dress Maker; Abode - Park Street
Cornelius Carmody; Occupation - Plasterer

John Claney; Occupation - Soldier
John Hanley ?

Ann Hanley ?
4th November 1850
William Wrighton

Harriett Kite
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - ? Finisher; Abode - Moor Street

Age 21; Spinster; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Moor Street
Joseph Wrighton; Occupation - Bricklayer

Joseph Kite; Occupation - Labourer
Samuel Britton

Mary Cooper
18th November 1850
John Pinkerton

Ann Caton
Age 36; Bachelor; Occupation - Soldier; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age 32; Widow; Abode - Coleshill Street
Adam Pinkerton; Occupation - School Master

Robert Mansden; Occupation - Clerk
James Bates

Mary Bates
18th November 1850
William Tew

Elizabeth Jukes
Age 34; Bachelor; Occupation - Publican; Abode - Howe Street

Age 34; Spinster; Abode - Howe Street
John Tew; Occupation - Butcher

Richard Jukes; Occupation - Labourer
William Manden

Hypheah ? Manden
8th December 1850
John Yardley

Ann Plant
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Publican; Abode - Moor Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Moor Street
Thomas Yardley; Occupation - Publican

William Plant; Occupation - Ball Furnaceman
James Bates

Maria Bates
8th December 1850
Peter Sambrook

Eliza Woodward
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Miller; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
James Sambrook; Occupation - Baker

Thomas Woodward; Occupation - Farmer
James Bates

Mary Ann Woodward
14th December 1850
John Johnson

Emma Hughes
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Tin Dealer; Abode - Bartholomew Row

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Barthomomew Row
John Johnson; Occupation - Grocer

Alexander Hughes; Occupation - Brick Maker
John Bates

Mary Bates
22nd December 1850
Thomas Wardle

Elizabeth Wood
Age 38; Bachelor; Occupation - Printer; Abode - St Martins Lane

Age 37; Spinster; Abode - St Martins Lane
John Wardle; Occupation - Musician

John Wood; Occupation - Jeweller
Robert Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards
25th December 1850
Edward Moore

Sarah Brown
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Gimblett ? Maker; Abode - Floodgate Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Floodgate Street
John Moore; Occupation - Candlestick Maker

Jospeh Brown; Occupation - Brass Founder
David Llandes ?

Caroline Moore
25th December 1850
Henry Holloway

Mary Hart
Age 41; Widower; Occupation - Brass Caster; Abode - Summer Lane

Age 48; Widow; Abode - Lionel Street
Samuel Holloway; Occupation - Button Turner

John Hart; Occupation - Brass Founder
Thomas Newman

Martha Brookes
25th December 1850
John Heaton

Ann Barnes
Age 27; Bachelor; Occupation - Brewer; Abode - Watery Lane

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Watery Lane
Thomas Heaton; Occupation - Publican

James Barnes; Occupation - Labourer
John Barnes

Ann Coley